Helper contract which has view methods to encode data that is passed to the L2Pool.
function encodeSupplyParams(address asset, uint256 amount, uint16 referralCode) external view returns (bytes32)
Returns bytes32
result to be passed to supply()
method of L2Pool.
Param Name | Type | Description |
asset | address | address of the asset being supplied to the pool. |
amount | uint256 | amount of asset being supplied. |
referralCode | uint16 | unique code for 3rd party referral program integration. Use 0 for no referral. |
function encodeSupplyWithPermit(address asset, uint256 amount, uint16 referralCode, uint256 deadline, uint8 permitV, bytes32 permitR, bytes32 permitS)``
external view returns (bytes32, bytes32, bytes32)
Returns (bytes32, bytes32, bytes32
) result to be passed to supplyWithPermit()
method of L2Pool.
Permit signature must be signed by msg.sender
with spender as Pool address.
Call Params
Name | Type | Description |
asset | address | Address of underlying asset being supplied. Same asset as used in permit s,v,r |
amount | uint256 | Amount of asset to be supplied and signed for approval. Same amount as used in permit s,v,r |
referralCode | uint16 | unique code for 3rd party referral program integration. Use 0 for no referral. |
deadline | uint256 | unix timestamp up-till which signature will be valid |
permitV | uint8 | Signature parameter v |
permitR | bytes32 | Signature parameter r |
permitS | bytes32 | Signature parameter s |
function encodeWithdrawParams(address asset, uint256 amount) external view returns (bytes32)
Returns bytes32
result to be passed to withdraw()
method of L2Pool.
Call Params
Name | Type | Description |
asset | address | address of the underlying asset, not the aToken |
amount | uint256 | amount deposited, expressed in wei units. Use |
function encodeBorrowParams(address asset, uint256 amount, uint256 interestRateMode, uint16 referralCode) external view returns (bytes32)
Returns bytes32
result to be passed to borrow()
method of L2Pool.
Call Params
Name | Type | Description |
asset | address | address of the underlying asset |
amount | uint256 | amount to be borrowed, expressed in wei units |
interestRateMode | uint256 | the type of borrow debt. Stable: 1, Variable: 2 |
referralCode | uint16 | referral code for our referral program. Use 0 for no referral code. |
function encodeRepayParams(address asset, uint256 amount, uint256 interestRateMode) external view returns (bytes32)
Returns bytes32
result to be passed to repay()
method of L2Pool.
Call Params
Name | Type | Description |
asset | address | address of the underlying asset |
amount | uint256 | amount to be borrowed, expressed in wei units. Use uint(-1) to repay the entire debt, ONLY when the repayment is not executed on behalf of a 3rd party. In case of repayments on behalf of another user, it's recommended to send an _amount slightly higher than the current borrowed amount. |
interestRateMode | uint256 | the type of debt being repaid. Stable: 1, Variable: 2 |
function encodeRepayWithPermitParams(address asset, uint256 amount, uint256 interestRateMode, uint256 deadline, uint8 permitV, bytes32 permitR, bytes32 permitS)``
external view returns (bytes32, bytes32, bytes32)
Returns (bytes32, bytes32, bytes32
) result to be passed to repayWithPermit()
method of L2Pool.
Call Params
Name | Type | Description |
asset | address | Address of underlying asset being supplied. Same asset as used in permit s,v,r |
amount | uint256 | Amount of asset to be supplied and signed for approval. Same amount as used in permit s,v,r |
interestRateMode | uint256 | the type of debt being repaid. Stable: 1, Variable: 2 |
deadline | uint256 | unix timestamp up-till which signature will be valid |
permitV | uint8 | Signature parameter v |
permitR | bytes32 | Signature parameter r |
permitS | bytes32 | Signature parameter s |
function encodeRepayWithATokensParams(address asset, uint256 amount, uint256 interestRateMode) external view returns (bytes32)
Returns bytes32
result to be passed to repay()
method of L2Pool.
Call Params
Name | Type | Description |
asset | address | address of the underlying asset |
amount | uint256 | amount to be borrowed, expressed in wei units. Use uint(-1) to repay the entire debt, ONLY when the repayment is not executed on behalf of a 3rd party. In case of repayments on behalf of another user, it's recommended to send an _amount slightly higher than the current borrowed amount. |
interestRateMode | uint256 | the type of debt being repaid. Stable: 1, Variable: 2 |
function encodeSwapBorrowRateMode(address asset, uint256 rateMode) external view returns (bytes32)
Returns bytes32
result to be passed to swapBorrowRateMode()
method of L2Pool.
Call Params
Name | Type | Description |
asset | address | address of the underlying asset |
rateMode | uint256 | the rate mode the user is swapping from. Stable: 1, Variable: 2 |
function encodeRebalanceStableBorrowRate(address asset, address user)``
external view returns (bytes32)
Returns bytes32
result to be passed to rebalanceStableBorrowRate()
method of L2Pool.
Call Params
Name | Type | Description |
asset | address | Address of the underlying token that has been borrowed for which the position is being rebalanced. |
user | address | Address of the user being rebalanced. |
function encodeSetUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address asset, bool useAsCollateral) external view returns (bytes32)
Returns bytes32
result to be passed to setUserUseReserveAsCollateral()
method of L2Pool.
Call Params
Name | Type | Description |
asset | address | address of the underlying asset to be used as collateral |
useAsCollateral | bool | true if the asset should be used as collateral |
function encodeLiquidationCall(address collateral, address debt, address user, uint256 debtToCover, bool receiveAToken) external view returns (bytes32, bytes32)
Returns (bytes32, bytes32
) result to be passed to liquidationCall()
method of L2Pool.
Call Params
Name | Type | Description |
collateral | address | address of the collateral reserve |
debt | address | address of the debt reserve |
user | address | address of the borrower |
debtToCover | uint256 | amount of asset debt that the liquidator will repay |
receiveAToken | bool | if true, the user receives the aTokens equivalent of the purchased collateral. If false, the user receives the underlying asset directly. |
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